Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Hundred Islands is in the province of pangasinan in northern Philippines. It is located at Alaminos, Pangasinan.

They are believed to be about two million years old. Only three of them have been developed for tourists: Governor Island, Quezon Island, and children's Island.

 View of the Hundred Islands from the Governor island.

 The wharf from where boats depart to the 100 Islands

 The 100 Islands Welcome Sign

Map of the Islands
How to Get There
Alaminos City is the gateway the hundred Islands National Park. It is five hours by public bus from manila Victory Liner or Five Star Bus. Bus Fare is 400. From Alaminos City proper. ride a tricycle going to Barangay lucap, this is where the tourist Information Center is located and jump-off point to the hundred isles.

Tricycle Rate:
P80-P100 per ride that can fit three people.

The tourism office set standard boat rates to the park from Barangay Lucap.

  • Day Tour (With P20. entrance fee per head)
          Small Boat (1 to 5 persons)- P800
          Medium Boat (6 to 10 persons)- P1000
          Big Boat (11 to 15 persons)-P1100

Come and Visit I surely you must say its more fun in the philippines!

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