Thursday, March 14, 2013


Daranak falls came from the phrase "Dadanak ang dugo" its directly translate "the spilling of blood" it is located at bgy. Tandang Kutyo in the town of tanay.

Save for the water and the rocks around, everywhere you looked it was green. thick, probably century-old trees look down a top the falls, almost making it seem like a natural umbrella that spread around the entire refuge from concrete and industry, making you feel cradle by nature herself. to me there's nothing more relaxing.

Daranak falls also one of a favorite location shooting area of most local and international movies and advertising outfits in the country.

 Here are some photos of me, So amazing it is sixty to eighty feet high falls is truly a refreshing site. Also , I want to try and jump, i want to know how it's like to do something you're deadly afraid of. It's a challenge.

I was enjoying so much

Me and my cousin 

The water was so cold..The water gets deep near the falls. you would really need a salbabida if you don't know hot to swim.

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